Inside the Fiction Factory – Part 89

The Kill Series

The only constant is change and you need to be prepared to see the positive, even if initially it may appear a negative. My publisher has decided to call it a day and wind the company up. This happens. The writing world is full of it. I like to joke that you’re not a real writer until you’ve had your first one star with no comment and a book with a publishing house that is no more. This means The Kill Chain will be pulled later this year.

I recall reading a book called An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth: Life lessons from space by Chris Hadfield. He explains how he dealt with what may appear to be setbacks and how he continually moved on and around, seeing the opportunity, the positive which is there if you look for it. It is one of those books that has stayed with me, and I try and use what it taught me whenever I can.

I’m forever grateful for Laurence and Steph and the opportunity they gave me. The Kill Chain came at the end of a long run of novels over many years and many rejections. Darkstroke Publishing made the book available and was well received. You can’t really ask for much more than that. I’m sad that it’s happening, but excited for what is coming next.

I’ve spoken with an editor, and I’m currently doing a final pass through a sequel to The Kill Chain, called The Kill Switch, before it’s sent off for edit. Later this year, the rights to The Kill Chain and the characters will revert back to me, allowing me to republish the novel. It also means I can put out The Kill Switch shortly after. In Part 31 of this series of blog posts I noted that I had notes for other books in this series – The Kill Box, The Kill Dial, The Kill Key, The Kill Block and The Kill Wing. I have since put together further notes for book 3 in the series. I have yet to settle on a title.

When The Kill Chain is republished, it will have the opening chapter of book 2 at the end. The Kill Switch will contain the opening of book 3. I have a lot of work to be doing, but the circumstances I was in, did not provide a route to publish the second book. Now I have the opportunity to not only write, but publish a number of novels in this cybercrime series in a timeframe of my choosing, a timeframe which will be more to my liking.

I have been asked many times when is the next book coming. I can say now it’s this year, and the third will be next year. I’ve been given a great opportunity and I’m embracing it. Of course, this means that work on my novella – EVA part 2 – and a new novel dealing with AI, will take a backseat for now. My focus has to be on the Kill series. However, I intend to dip in and out of them when I can and keep them moving forward. Exciting times.

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