Inside the Fiction Factory – Part 90

Alloa Tower

I managed to make some time to visit Alloa Tower, which according to the records, is mentioned for the first time in 1495. It occupies the ancestral seat of the Erskine family, then later the Earls of Mar and Kellie, and it is the largest surviving example of a medieval fortified keep in Scotland.

On my visits to such historical sites, I often have the impression I’m following in the footsteps of Mary Queen of Scots, so it’s no surprise that she stayed here in 1562 and 1565. I’m always amazed at how these structures survive for hundreds of years, despite the constant change in the landscape around them. The photograph I took to illustrate this blog post gives the impression it is in a secluded spot. Far from it. This tower is situated next door to a large Tesco store and busy carpark. On the other side is a housing estate. It is also adjacent to what was the Patons & Baldwins textile mill, almost all of which has been demolished. Only the gatehouse frontage of this was preserved, with the rest a modern building tagged on the back which is now used by the local police. That mill will feature in a future blog post. I’ve a feeling that where Tesco now stands was also part of the mill. Amazing that so much change has taken place, but the tower has remained intact. There was a house built in 1710 which incorporated the tower as an annexe. I have read a quote apparently from John Erskine, 6th Earl of Mar who mused over the fact the tower had something going to it and he wouldn’t want to pull it down. Alloa House burned down in 1800, but fortunately the tower survived. The house was rebuilt, but has long since been demolished.

Scottish history is complex and full of intrigue. Alloa Tower has seen its fair share and if you are interested it’s well worth looking into this further. The inside of the tower is quite an eye-opener. You may view the exterior as being grim – I don’t see that, I love these old structures – but the interior is grand and I recommend a visit.

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